The Perce' Rock Experience

The stunning vistas of the Gaspe region of Quebec is most often characterized by the massive limestone arch of Perce' rock. Rising from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, it looks like a giant, prehistoric fossil, floating in the waves. Perce' rock ,which translates from French to "pierced rock," is part of Bonaventure Island so you can only view it close up by boat. At 289 feet high and 300 feet wide, it's a striking sight. Some locals say that the rock resembles a horse feeding and looking from a distance, I can see that. Although the rock is a beloved landmark for Gaspe, there are all sorts of sad legends attached to it. Various lovers, sailors and Iroquois chiefs supposedly died at the location and there is a melancholy vibe that floats around Perce' rock. To me, that wistful air just adds to the memorable beauty of the Perce' rock experience.


Andrew Graeme Gould said…
A stunning rock formation. There's something similar in the north of Chile, La Portada.
Fly Girl said…
The rock resembles a few other stone formations but it definitely has an aura all its own.
TexWisGirl said…
beautiful. yes, i can see a horse's neck with a mane and nose into the water. :)
Fly Girl said…
Tex, Yes! I didn't see it until it was pointed out but it's really clear once you know how to look at it.
Indrani said…
Wow! Never seen something like this!
Great shots!
Fly Girl said…
Indrani, Thanks, it is something to see!
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, it was awesome up close!
A Cuban In London said…
The key word is "stunning". They are. Many thanks for the photos, they're brilliant.

Greetings from London.
SandyCarlson said…
That is really beautiful.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, thanks so much!

Sandy, it really is a beautiful sight.

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