Next Stop: Huatulco, Mexico

I'll be escaping Chicago's cold and snow this week with a press trip to Huatulco, in the Southern part of Mexico. Located on the coast of the state of Oaxaca, along the edge of the Sierra Madre mountains, Huatulco is famous for its nine lovely bays; one of them, Santa Cruz, is pictured above. Of course, I'l also be exploring as much Oaxacan history and culture as I can mange. Stay tuned for posts next week!


Indrani said…
Have a wonderful trip!
Fly Girl said…
Indrani, thanks so much!
Fazle Rabbi said…
I am bookmarking your feeds also It was a quite great topic! Just wanna say thank you for the knowledge you have apportioned. Just proceed creating this kind of put up. I will be your correct reader. Thanks once more.
Tina said…
Found your blog as I was linking from site to site. ;) Truly fun! I'll be back!
Fly Girl said…
Thanks so much. I'll visit your site as well.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
I'm looking foward to the posts, Rosalind. All the best with the trip.
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, thanks. Keep a look out this week!
A Cuban In London said…
Well, judging by those grasshoppers, your trip's already been a success, hasn't it? Thanks for the photos and info.

Greetings from London.
Ian Lidster said…
Was just there in early October and fell in love with the place immediately. Lucky you for being there.

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