Turtles and Tequila

The Pacific coast of Mexico captivates anyone lucky enough to experience it. I traveled the 17 miles of coastline that make up the nine bays of Huatulco and I'm still amazed at the raw beauty. The deep sapphire blue water holds untold treasures, from a coral reef to scores of sea turtles, which I glimpsed up close.

I headed to Santa Cruz harbor and hopped aboard a little boat called Tequila. Sailing to the nine bays was an idyllic journey, with salty breezes and freshly picked  avocados for guacamole in St. Agustin. But the waters were choppy on the way back and after four hours of sailing, a big dose of sea sickness smacked me with a vengeance. My crew was unfazed though, and they quickly took over photographic duties for me.

Sea turtles bobbed all over those choppy waves and I watched from a slightly steady corner as little faces popped up in the water.

We saw whole families swimming by and solo adventurers floating along.

Sea turtles nest along the beaches of Oaxaca around June and bury hundreds of eggs in the sand. They hatch two months later and make their way into the water. I spied several baby turtles that looked like they were just born a few months ago. Unfortunately, I couldn't join them for their leisurely swim, my fortitude had waned in the blistering Mexican sun, even though I was sailing on a boat called Tequila.


TexWisGirl said…
you're too cute - even with seasickness. :)
Fly Girl said…
Tex, thanks but i didn't feel cute at all. They wanted to call an ambulance after i got off the boat but I just laid down on a bench for awhile.
Andrew said…
A pity about the sea sickness, Rosalind, because it looks like it was a nice day, otherwise. Love those turtles!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, it was a beautiful day! I'm grateful that I was only sick during the last part of the trip.
A Cuban In London said…
Lucky you, with so much beauty around you. Many thanks, I enjoyed that trip. And guess what? It didn't make me seasick at all! :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, Scorpios aren't supposed to get seasick, being water signs and all.
Derek4Real said…
I couldn't help but smile at how even that Tequila sent your world a-spinnin' Rosalind ;) But then I felt guilty after seeing the comment about them wanting to call an ambulance. Wow, you really must have had a rough case of seasickness, sorry to hear. Great photos though, otherwise seems like it would have been a great cruise. I love turtles!
Fly Girl said…
Thanks but I was just seasick from being on the boat too long. They were concerned and figured a gringa would need a doctor but it wasn't that serious.
Catherine said…
aaah - the sheer beauty of Mexico - I am envious!! I haven't been back in 3 years and miss it very much - glad you are enjoying discovering its treasures...
Catherine said…
sorry - no idea why that printed 3 times....
Fly Girl said…
Catherine, no problem, I deleted them. I can't believe its been three years since you left Mexico!

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