The Mermaid of Motril

Andalusia's dreamy Costa Tropical, a collection of beaches and resort towns that hug the Mediterranean coast, captivates all who venture into the area's sunny landscape. For a water reveler like me, the salty air and cerulean sea felt like a European version of tropical paradise. Our first stop was the hilltop town of Motril, which boasts a colorful port filled with fishing boats, lounging  locals and this mermaid. She was the first thing I spied in the port which is fitting, since she seems to be waving a graceful greeting to all soon-to-be-mesmerized visitors.


A Cuban In London said…
I missed this when I was there last so it's good that you posted it and wrote about it. Lovely sculpture.

Greetings from London.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
That's really beautiful. Must get to Spain, and the south, of course...
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I'm glad I brought the stature to your attention!

Andrew, You must!
TexWisGirl said…
beautiful sculpture!
Fly Girl said…
Tex, I think all mermaid art is pretty lovely!

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