A Parrot, Pedals and Palm Trees

Strolling the boardwalk in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, I spotted this scene and quickly snapped it. The parrot never moved or fluttered, he looked perfectly content perched on the bike and riding along the beach. Since I love parrots, biking and beaches, it turned out to be one of my favorite impromptu travel photos. What's your favorite unexpected travel pic?


Indrani said…
That is a cool capture. :)
A Cuban In London said…
Great photo. I love those spontaneous moments.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, they are often hard for me to catch so I'm really happy about this one.
Anonymous said…
Awesome pic, takes my mind away from my day at the moment...;)
Andrew said…
An excellent capture! Now this is what I love most about photography, in that you never know what luck will bring you each day. It may be nothing, or it could be a grand prize!
Fly Girl said…
Oma, thanks for visiting!
Andrew, I am just starting to really get into the magic of travel photography!

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