Bahamas Blue

I've visited the Bahamas many, many, times but I don't recall being so struck by the startling blue water and sky. Every where I stepped on the small island of Bimini, I felt enveloped by the dreamy blue landscape. I was so taken that I coined the phrase Bimini blue whenever I became awestruck by the island's beauty, which was every time I strolled along the shore. When I arrived on the larger island of Nassau and realized that the scenery was still the same serene blue, I decided to change it to Bahamas blue. There are 700 Bahamanian islands so I don't know if all of them share the same beauty but there was enough on these two to soothe any winter-worn soul.


TexWisGirl said…
thanks for the beach warm-up today. :)
Fly Girl said…
Tex, it's always a good day for the beach!
A Cuban In London said…
And of course, me being a kind of "blue-freak", I loved your post! :-) Thanks.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, I'm not surprised that you love blue.
A Cuban In London said…
Thanks for your recent comment. I feel like I owe an apology to you and Carmen. If I had her e-mail address I would e-mail her to apologise for my error. My only excuse (totally inexcusable) is that her accent is so believable in the movie that I always thought she was American.

Thanks for bringing attention to my total clumsy oversight.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, she is quite believable as an American so I can see how you were fooled! Actually, all of your Brits were quite good.
Andrew Graeme Gould said…
Lovely photos, Rosalind -- and it sounds delightful!
Fly Girl said…
Andrew, thanks, it was quite an interesting trip.

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