Next Stop: Prague

I'm headed to the "City of 100 Spires" and I couldn't be more excited. I'll be exploring the fascinating history of Prague and surrounding towns, courtesy of Czech Tourism. The focus will be the castles and chateaux that make the city so striking but I'll also visit  the UNESCO Heritage Site of Telc and its historic Jewish quarter, the catacombs of Jihlava  and of course, the famous Charles Bridge. I've even pulled out my dusty copy of  The Unbearable Lightness of Being, to finally start reading it in Milan Kundera's home country and inspiration.  So look out for posts on Prague literary inspirations as well as the landscape and history.


Indrani said…
Prague is a grand place! I was there for a couple of days!
Don't miss the astronomical clock there.
A Cuban In London said…
I have been following your adventures in Prague on Twitter. I can't wait to read it all here. :-)

Greetings from London.
Rekha Rajan said…
Wow...I have heard so much about Prague. I am sure it will be loads of fun. keep us all posted please.
Fly Girl said…
Indrani, It is a really grand place but i have to say I was disappointed with the astronomical clock. I was expecting an elaborate show but it was over in a few seconds!

Cunano, thanks for following along.

Rekha, thanks for dropping by. My posts will start soon!

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