Living High in St. Lucia

One of the most unforgettable experiences that I've had in St. Lucia is being enveloped by the beauty.  Being surrounded by turquoise-colored water,soaring mountain peaks and lush vegetation all at once fills all of my senses. I never have to do anything in St. Lucia, just partaking of the natural wonders is enough. So when I was invited to Anse Chastanet, the famous St. Lucia resort carved into cliffs, I was ecstatic. What better way to experience the island's assets than up close and personal?

Besides offering stunning views, many of the resort's rooms have only three walls, so that you can be completely connected to the landscape. This was my room, complete with a swing and a homemade bottle of T-punch in the fridge. I think staying in this room was the closest I've come to being hypnotized. I sat on the swing, sipping punch and gazing out at the view for hours.

When I managed to tear myself away from the view, I just wandered around the lovely room. I've slept under mosquito netting before but never on a four poster bed with billowing panels that close on both sides. I was completely wrapped in the netting with a fan on the roof of the bed. It was such fun, although it took me several attempts to find the opening in the netting to get out of bed!

But the coolest thing about my room besides the singular view, was the tree in the middle of  the shower. The room was built around the tree, which rose up through the roof. Birds hung out in my bathroom and when a storm started, raindrops from outside poured down the sides of the shower, sprinkling the plants. It was like living with the landscape but way better than camping. I'm not usually focused on hotel accommodations because I like to spend as much time as possible connecting with the destination but at Anse Chastanet, the destination and the accommodations are one.


A Cuban In London said…
Wow! :-) First time I have heard about a bathroom with that feature. Thanks.

Please, get both Criolo's albums. You won't be disappointed.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Cubano, it was the first time I had heard of that too! I will be looking for Criolo's albums, thanks!

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