Pageantry in Valencia Streets for Las Fallas Fest

Valencia is a very pretty Spanish city filled with palm trees, marble streets and a startling mix of medieval and modern architecture. I found the city's overall atmosphere to be charming and festive although a lot of the latter characteristic had to do with the upcoming Las Fallas festival. The fest dates back to the Middle Ages and welcomes spring with fireworks, huge handcrafted monuments that are torched at the end of the fest and locals flaunting traditional Valencian dress. These ladies were roaming through the crowds as we prepared to watch the fireworks display, called the mascleta. I loved seeing the intricacy of their costumes and their  casual attitude about wearing medieval finery in the middle of gobs of gawking people. I will be sharing several posts about Las Fallas but this is my fave pic by far.


A Cuban In London said…
i'm loving your Spanish experience all across social media, Instagram, Twitter. You really have delved into the Spanish culture. Thanks.

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Why gracias Cubano!

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