Guadeloupe's Ultimate Street Food

The island of Guadeloupe offers so much more than a pretty landscape. This French Caribbean beauty is drenched in culture, history and it's no surprise, food. I was familiar with the artful blend of African, French and Indian cuisine from visiting neighboring Martinique but I had never heard of Guadeloupe's famous bokit, until I stepped foot in the island's main city of Pointe-a-Pitre. On every other corner and on food trucks, I glimpsed signs for bokits and long lines of locals eagerly awaiting the chance to bite into the delicacy. So what is a bokit? It's also called a creole burger and it's two pieces of fried dough or johnnycakes, stuffed with everything from lamb, chicken, conch, shrimp and everything in between, plus cheese, salad and sauces. It's basically a portable meal and it generally lasts me two days. It is absolutely essential to try a bokit whenever you visit Gwada. I wrote an in-depth exploration of my discovery of bokits for my new column ...