Passion Fruit Ceviche & The White Sox

My first meal during the Mayan solstice arrived with delectable Mexican flavors and an unexpected touch of Chicago.  I sat down at the Beachwalk Marketplace Cafe in the JW  Marriott Cancun Resort and reveled in the experience of enjoying two of my very favorite things.  As many of  my longtime readers know, passion fruit is the ultimate fruit to me. Nothing beats that special blend of tart and sweet. So when I spotted passion fruit ceviche on the menu, I was giddy with joy.

As I munched on fresh tortilla chips, my view was a vivid turquoise expanse of the beach, another of my favorite things. Being kissed by a salty sea breeze and gazing at rippling ocean waves is my idea of paradise.

And then the passion fruit ceviche appeared and I ascended into heaven. Delicate pieces of sea bass were cured in a passion fruit and lime potion for a zesty yet sweet taste that I can only describe as other worldly.  It really doesn't get much better than that. Then I glanced at the paper that held the chips.

Right next to the nonsensical headline asking "why are French fries French?" was the perfectly rational declaration, "White Sox Win The Pennant!"  What are the odds that I'd leave Chicago, only to be greeted with a reference to the best Chicago baseball team  as I relaxed on the Mexican riviera? Some may call it a coincidence but I think not. It was that Mayan magic once again.


Catherine said…
Mayan Mexican magic indeed and that ceviche looks and sounds most heavenly....
Hmmm... (smiles). I'm a Yankees fan. Are you sure that White Sox news wasn't an April's Fools' prank? :-)

Joking aside, you took El Duque when he fell out of favour in The Bronx, and for that I commend. Plus, your team is one of the teams with the most Latin players in the Mayors.

As for passionfruit, enough said, I'm a fan. Especially passionfruit juice.

By the way, thanks for your response to my e-mail. Very, very interesting and I dig, understand you and agree with most of what you wrote. It's nice having you as a cyber-friend, Fly Girl. Carry on flying and showing us the wonders of this unique world of ours! :-)

Greetings from London.
Fly Girl said…
Rachel, oh it was so wonderful. Imagining that dish with the sea breeze wafting through is what helps me cope with cold Chicago temps now.

Catherine, I know you know what I'm talking about exactly.

Cubano, many thanks, I value your cyber friendship too! I'll come back to London to meet up one day.
Ekua said…
Ceviche is one of my favorites and passion fruit is too. My mouth is watering thinking about combining the two. There's a Peruvian restaurant in SF that I love and I go there often to get my ceviche fix. I sometimes wash it down with a passion fruit pisco sour... kinda the same thing, right? :P
Fly Girl said…
Ekua, I love pisco sours too! A passion fruit flavor would have me totally in love. Yep, I think ceviche and passion fruit pisco would qualify as a very similar experience.

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